Got Questions?

Here are some frequently asked questions about my process and services. If there's any I've missed please shout out - I'm here to help.

A record player on top of a stack of cubes holding hundreds of records.

General Questions

I offer website design, SEO and a bunch of copywriting services, including website copywriting, email copywriting and SEO optimised blog posts.

I have a range of packages available or I can create a bespoke solution to suit your needs.

Hit me up on my project enquiry form friend and tell me about yourself. I’m open to working with all types of businesses that share the same values of inclusion and flipping a big fat bird to the patriarchy, racism, homophobia, transphobia and anti-fat bias.

If you’re curious, you can head on over to my portfolio to see what other industries and professions I’ve worked with.

A 25% deposit is required to book your project into my calendar and then the remaining 75% is split into three 25% instalments.

But that’s just one way we can slice and dice it! If there’s a payment plan that would work better for you, we can talk about it 😊

My only requirement is that the final payment must be made prior to the website going live.

If I could say Yes to that question, I’d be adding a few more zeros to your investment!

Like anything in business, I can’t guarantee specific SEO results.

SEO is a long game that requires patience because there are many things that influence rankings, and rankings fluctuate all the time. But generally, it takes 4 to 6 months to start seeing an increase in traffic to your website.

P.S. Anyone who guarantees a Page 1 or Position 1 spot should send up a big red flag for you (a bit like anyone promising weight loss, right?!).

OK, this is a tricky one to answer! Sometimes I have space in my calendar that allows me to start a project quickly. There are also times when I’m booked weeks out. If you’re interested in working together, drop me a note as soon as possible to learn about my availability.


I work with WordPress and build with Elementor. From my extensive testing of themes and page builders, this combo has come up as a winner for building a solid, fast and secure site that is easy for you to navigate and update.

For sure! Your website belongs to you, so you will have access to the backend to make any edits, add new content, add blog posts etc. And if you need it, I’ll make sure you know exactly how to find your way around with a training session, so you feel confident to use your beautiful new business asset.

This is a great question. The build is only one part of owning a website, however, I build on WordPress and use the Hello theme, which are both free to minimise other costs.

Typical set-up and ongoing costs include:

  • Domain Name: depending on the type of name (e.g. .com, .co, .net etc.) and where you purchase your domain, this will cost approximately $20-$25/year
  • Hosting & website care: you’re covered for the first three months once your website goes live for both hosting and regular website care. You’ll have the choice to continue on a care plan with me, or host and maintain yourself.
  • Elementor Pro Plugin: is $59-99USD/year. This plugin means you’re only limited by your imagination in terms of what you can design and create on your website. (If you choose to continue on a hosting and care plan with me, I will cover the cost of your plugin licence).
  • Website terms and privacy policy documents: these are essential and your website will not be launched without them. Costs vary from DIY templated options, automatically updating policy documents (great for peace of mind), or working directly with a lawyer to draft custom documents for your business. We can chat about your options and make a decision that best suits your needs.
  • Premium plugins: these will be determined and discussed with you based on your website’s goals and functionality. At a minimum, I recommend WP Rocket which is $59USD/year and helps keep your website running at lightning speed. (If you choose to continue on a hosting and care plan with me, I will cover the cost of your plugin licence).

Optional but recommended for a cohesive online home:

  • Business branding (your logo, colour palette, fonts, illustrations etc.)
  • Branded photography (because your people want to connect with you!)
  • Branded email through Google Workspace

That’s so cool – I’m thrilled for your success! Here are a couple of reasons why you might like to invest some of your marketing budget in a website:

  • If your leads, clients or customers are coming via social media like Instagram or TikTok, you don’t have full control over your account. Hackers or the platforms themselves can shut down your account on a whim and overnight you lose your content, your followers and your momentum. The process of trying to recover your account is incredibly stressful and more often than not, you’ll have to start again from scratch.

  • If you rely on referrals from GPs or other healthcare providers, don’t think that your new clients are just passively accepting their recommendations. As we become more tech-savvy and technology embeds itself into our lives, your potential new clients will be hopping online to check you out first. And if they can’t find you, they may very well pass you over and move on to the next person on their list who does.


Until we have the technology to download your brain into mine, creating your website is a collaborative process.

Here are some places where you can expect to be involved:

  • Before I can begin designing and building you will be asked to complete a brand and offering discovery questionnaire that will inform the design process. You’ll want to set aside some time with a favourite beverage and snack to work through this! Because the more detailed information you provide, the quicker I can understand you, your brand and your business and the better I can hone in on your brand style.*

  • I’ll also need you to collect up and share your brand assets (your logo, brand colours, design elements etc.), imagery (headshots, branded photos etc.), legal documents (website terms & conditions and your privacy policy) before I can get started.

  • At various points along the design process, I may have questions or things I need to clarify with you.

  • At revision time! You’ll get a demo of your homepage which I welcome you pouring over and providing detailed feedback. We want to strike a balance between being thorough and turning your revisions around quickly, so we can get your website finalised and out into the world! (You’ll also have multiple opportunities to look over your whole website and provide feedback.)

  • Once you go live, I’d love to be kept in the loop about how you’re enjoying your new digital home 🙂


*P.S. many of my clients have told me that this was their favourite part of the process in the end as it gave them so much more clarity and direction in their business.


Before I begin writing I’ll get you to complete a brand and offering discovery questionnaire that will inform the copywriting process. The idea behind this ‘pre-work’ is to deeply understand you, your brand and your business so I can hone in on your brand voice for writing your copy.

Sure! If you’ve got a team bringing your website to life, I’m here to collaborate with them and offer any guidance on how to best show off your shiny new copy.

Until we have the technology to download your brain into mine, creating your website is a collaborative process.

Here are some places where you can expect to be involved:

  • Before I can begin writing you will be asked to complete a brand and offering discovery questionnaire that will inform the copywriting process. You’ll want to set aside some time with a favourite beverage and snack to work through this! Because the more detailed information you provide, the quicker I can understand you, your brand and your business and the better I can hone in on your brand voice.*

  • At various points along the writing process, I may have questions or things I need to clarify with you.

  • At revision time! You’ll get a draft of your copy which I welcome you pouring over and providing detailed feedback. We want to strike a balance between being thorough and turning your revisions around quickly, so we can get your copy finalised and out into the world!

  • Once you go live, I’d love to be kept in the loop about how you’re enjoying your new words 🙂

*P.S. many of my clients have told me that this was their favourite part of the process in the end as it gave them so much more clarity and direction in their business.

Ready to connect with more people who are searching for that thing only you can offer?

I’m over here warming up my tech and design muscles to create you a website that increases clicks and conversions.