Get your business found online.

Website Design, Copywriting and SEO for values-driven, service-based businesses.

Nina Mills website designer, copywriter and SEO from Butter Digital standing next to a table.
Nina Mills website designer, copywriter and SEO from Butter Digital standing next to a table.

You’re a clever cookie who knows you could figure out how to DIY your website.

But it’s that same wisdom that has you apprehensive you’ll end up creating yourself a tech mess in the process.

And who has time for that?

Because you started your business to make a difference in your client’s and customer’s lives.

Not spend your time feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the mounting number of tasks you’re adding to that DIY-my-website To Do list that – let’s be real – no one ever told you came with running a small business.

A thoughtfully designed website, copy that speaks directly to your favourite clients, and a solid SEO strategy will do a lot of the heavy lifting in bringing perfect-fit people to your business.

Freeing you up to focus on your clients, do more of the stuff you actually enjoy and support you in creating a thriving and sustainable business.

“OK, and how do I get all this done and still have a life outside my business?” I hear you ask.

That’s where I come in.

Nina from Butter Digital's outstretched arm holding a laptop

Your one-stop for SEO, web design, and copy.

Instead of adding to your plate vetting and project managing a bunch of contractors, I’ll handle everything with streamlined processes and efficient timelines.

Inclusive copy and design.

Tired of design that excludes certain body types, experiences, and identities and copy that makes people feel bad about themselves? Not on my watch.

A tech-friendly site you’re confident using.

DIY tech mess be gone! I’ll set you up with a website that’s so easy for you and your visitors to navigate that you’ll feel like a tech genius who can tackle anything.

Welcome to Butter Digital –
I’m Nina!

Your SEO copywriter and website designer who believes your business and message deserve to take up more space in the world.

I love building sites and writing copy that’s inclusive and captures the nuances of a wide range of experiences, stories, and services.

Butter Digital was formed out of my frustration trying to find branding specialists, website designers and copywriters who truly understood my unique needs as a size-inclusive business owner.

Over the past 13 years, I’ve logged puh-lenty of hours learning how to weave SEO, copy and web design together to support values-driven service-based professionals amplify their business with ease, so that they can focus on helping their clients.

I’ve DIY-ed so you don’t have to and can instead concentrate on transforming the lives of your clients and not worry about where that next enquiry is coming from.

Nina Mills website designer, copywriter and SEO from Butter Digital holding a laptop.
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Here’s how I can help…

Custom Website Design

Incorporating beautiful design, functionality & best practices, you’ll have a website that’s easy to navigate, leaves a lasting impression on those perfect-fit people and helps grow your business.


More than just the words on your website, I’ll dig into your business, your positioning and messaging so that your copy represents what you stand for, resonates with your readers and leaves them saying “They’re the perfect fit for me - when can I book in?”

SEO & Content Writing

A well-optimised website will have you striking a balance between keeping the Google gods happy and deeply understanding what your people are searching for. The result? Your business in front of more of the people you love working with.

Kind words from past clients

The process was smooth and easy

“I wanted to update my website and put across what I do but knew I needed support. I wasn’t looking forward to a really long and drawn-out process, and having to describe my business and values to people who didn’t understand, in addition to financially feeling like a big investment.

It was absolutely worth it working with Nina. I trusted that she already “got” my business and values, the process was smooth and easy and I now have a website out there that reflects me and my business.”

– Nicole Kopel, Dietitian at Eat in Peace

A mockup of the Compassionately Nourished SEO, copywriting and website design project.

An online presence that makes it easy for people to find me

“I’ve loved just how easy it has been to follow through your process and now have an online presence that makes it easy for people to find me. They’re able to find current information, book their own appointments and contact me with very little involvement on my end, which is really helpful in terms of saving me time.”

– Michelle Gibbons, Clinical Psychologist, Michelle Gibbons Psychology

The Eat in Peace homepage illustrating the copy and website design homepage on a laptop screen.

I’ve never felt in such safe hands

“It is such a blessing that Nina is both an expert in the anti-diet space AND in website strategy as it gives her the unique set of tools to be able to support our industry in being more visible online. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Nina and Butter Digital for every aspect of website strategy and design. I’ve never felt in such safe hands.”

– Nicola Salmon, Fat Positive & Feminist Fertility Coach

A mockup of the MG Psychology SEO, copywriting and website design project.
A mockup of the Compassionately Nourished SEO, copywriting and website design project.
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Think we’d make a good team?

Grab your favourite beverage and come share what you’d love your business to achieve.