What’s one thing no one told you about running your own business?

For me, it’s the amount of writing involved.

Website copy.

Sales page copy.

Checkout page copy.

Thank you page copy.

Instagram captions.

Blog posts.

All. The. Emails.

Enter ChatGPT and everyone thought their writing woes were over.

Except ChatGPT needs training.

And then there’s the issue of feeding it your intellectual property that ChatGPT uses to spit out content for other people (no thanks).

So, when Menekse Stewart popped up on my radar with her AI marketing tool, Marketing Magic, which doesn’t share your data, I sat up and took notice.

Heads up – this article contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase using my link, thank you! It may mean I receive a commission but it’ll be at no extra cost to you.

A mockup of the Marketing Magic ai marketing tool on desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile screens. The screens show various shots of the app demonstrating the 58+ tools you can use.

What is Marketing Magic?

Marketing Magic is an AI-powered business growth tool that helps you craft sales and marketing assets using your brand’s tone of voice in minutes.

In other words, it helps you grow your brand and business without adding a billion items to your To Do List.

Originally created as a set of Google sheet dashboards that connect with OpenAI (I know, cos I purchased Marketing Magic in its first iteration!) Menekse has created a beautiful desktop app that’s a breeze to use. And, integrations with Notion and Google Drive are in the works so you can export all your assets into your private workspaces and folders.

How does this AI marketing tool work?

Using the power of OpenAI, you’ll follow the handy tutorial videos to set up your OpenAI account and connect your API key to the Marketing Magic app.

Follow the step-by-step onboarding process to create your brand profiles and set up all your products and services.

Then dive on into the 58 and counting tools that will use your brand profiles and product info to take care of all those writing tasks I mentioned earlier (and more.)

It’s kinda like having a full-time VA in your laptop.

What can you do with Marketing Magic?

It’s probably quicker to say what you can’t do with it! Buuuuuut, that’d be boring.

So, here’s a whistlestop tour of all the goodness inside the app:

  • Funnel Magic has a bunch of tools to help you create ALL the moving pieces that go into an end-to-end sales funnel for your products and services (sales pages, checkout pages, order bumps, confirmation emails etc.).
  • Email Magic contains tools to create real-time and automated emails for your subscribers.
  • Social Magic has loads of tools for crafting captions and adverts for your fave social media channels (or those ones you hate, but know you need to have a presence on!)
  • Brand Magic perfect your brand’s messaging and core content (think tools to create your mission, vision, values, tone analysis, word bank, brand bios etc.).
  • Customer Magic contains tools to generate customer journeys, research, buyer personas and more so you can understand the people you love working with better.
  • Ecommerce Magic has tools for selling physical products on your e-commerce store or various marketplaces.
  • Digital Shop Magic gives you the tools to sell digital templates and other products on your online store or digital marketplaces.
  • Website Magic will help you create the words for your website’s home page and about page.
  • Content Magic has loads of tools to generate content ideas and strategise your content.
  • Blog Magic lets you create blog titles and outlines that map against your customer journey, with a generator to craft your finished blog post.
  • End-to-end video/audio transcription and repurposing in 10 minutes, including 17 kinds of marketing and teaching materials from one transcript in the click of a button, with as many minutes of processing time as you want each month!
  • ️ Freestyle Mode: Dump in your tricky tasks and get AI-powered support tailored to your business.
  • Custom checklists for the different things you sell in your business, with automatically generated tasks (that link to the tools you need!) so you can manage your workflow and launch your new ideas in record time.
A mockup of the Marketing Magic ai marketing tool on laptop demonstrating the easy onboarding dashboard.
The easy onboarding dashboard.

Why I’m loving Marketing Magic

It cuts out overwhelm

The video tutorials combined with the little wizards you plug your info into, make the app super easy to use. Menekse has great attention to detail as well – there are heaps of tooltips and examples to help you out.

Basically, you don’t have to have a computer science degree or be a qualified developer to wield the power of OpenAI or this AI marketing tool.

You also don’t have to wrack your brains coming up with the prompts to plug in. You tell it a bit about your business and Marketing Magic does the rest.

And those checklists that tell you exactly what you need to create your next campaign or offer, are gold.

I get to do more of what I enjoy

I’ve been pretty open about falling out of love with Instagram as a marketing channel for my business, but I know that’s where my people hang out.

So, I love that I can palm off a chunk of my social media marketing to my pocket VA and spend more time on the parts of my businesses I enjoy and feel energised by.

You’re not limited to one business

The app licence allows you to run multiple businesses (that you own) through it. So, I’ve got both Butter Digital and Feel Good Eating set up inside.

Because of Menekse’s commitment to digital privacy, you can’t use the app for your clients.

It’s going to help my tendency to procrastinate

I’ve got a list of unfinished ideas languishing in my laptop because when I think of having to DIY all the stuff you need to bring a new offer to life, I’ll busy myself with anything other than doing the dang thing.

I’m most excited about the potential for Marketing Magic to help me get minimum viable versions of my ideas off the ground. I’ve already used it to set up and test a downsell offer to my big program In Charge Eating.

I also love that this type of workflow can help you generate revenue you can then invest in human-run services (like a VA, copywriter, strategist, or branding consultant) to refine and amplify those minimum viable products.

It’s built with integrity

Menekse is the first to admit that she’s sceptical of AI.

But rather than give it a big fat ‘no deal’, she’s done the research and found a way to engage with AI tools for marketing that help you take control of your digital privacy.

Yes, you are paying with money to integrate the app with OpenAI, but the trade-off is that it excludes your data from the AI knowledge bank.

Plus, I love that by using Marketing Magic for my AI content marketing, I’m supporting another woman in tech!

A mockup of the Marketing Magic ai marketing tool on laptop and tablet. The screens show various shots of the app demonstrating the 58+ tools you can use.
The full list of tools inside Marketing Magic.

Alright, get to it – what’s it going to cost me?

And take a handful of the tools for a spin – no payment details required.

And if you want to unlock the whole app, Marketing Magic starts from $29 USD per month.

Are there ongoing costs?

Think of the Marketing Magic app as the pretty, smooth-to-drive car. But you need an engine for the car to run.

That’s where OpenAI comes in. You do have to connect up a method of payment to use it, but you get “pay as you go” tokens which cost $0.003 to generate around 500-750 words.

Plus you can set up a usage limit (e.g. I have mine set to not go over $20 USD and it will flag for me when I’ve used up $10).

At the time of writing this, my OpenAI bill is $0.02. Yes, that’s not a typo – I’ve racked up a whopping two cents to analyse my brand voice (for Butter Digital AND Feel Good Eating) create a 30-day social plan, and generate blog post ideas, plus a bunch of other stuff I’ve forgotten about because I went on a clicking spree, trying all the tools out!

I feel much better about paying with my cash to have my data excluded than using ChatGPT for free and paying with my IP.

Update: As of February 2024, OpenAI have switched to a pre-purchased credits payment system where you must add credits to your account to use their API. A minimum of $5 is required.

Marketing Magic – The TL:DR


  • Marketing Magic has 58 tools and counting, covering branding, customer research, funnels, e-commerce, emails, and social media – so whatever marketing tasks you want to get off your To Do List, it’s got you covered.
  • It’s a much cheaper alternative to AI marketing tools like Jasper and Copy.ai.
  • Easy to set up and you don’t need a bunch of tech skills to operate it (and if you get stuck, you also get access to the Hub where you can join live calls and request support).
  • It supports B2B and B2C businesses (I’ve got one of each!)
  • The data you send to OpenAI is excluded from informing the future learning of AI (unlike ChatGPT).
  • It will allow you to use your outsourcing budget more strategically or stretch your dollars further.


  • It is still AI. Yes, the output is ready-to-use, but, in my experience, you do need to go through it and remove anything factually incorrect and add a bit more of your humanness back in.
  • The app is still relatively new, so you may come across some glitches, but I know Menekse is pumping out the bug fixes.
  • If outsourcing to a human-only workforce is really important to you, this might not be the tool for you.

Wrapping Up

AI is not going anywhere and neither is the need to be in all the places to market our businesses.

So, if you are feeling frustrated coming up with your brand messaging, find email marketing time-consuming, keep bumping blogging or that product idea down your To Do list, find it difficult being consistent on social media or struggle knowing where to begin with your content strategy or bringing your product or service to life, I invite you to check out Marketing Magic.

And give the whole ‘work smarter, not harder’ theory a run for its money!

Menekse has brought back her exclusive lifetime licenses where you can
pay once and use Marketing Magic forever

Visit the Marketing Magic website for more details.
Or jump right in and try the app out with a FREE trial.