Hey small-business owner

Want your website to connect you with more perfect-fit clients?

If you’re tired of guessing why your website isn’t delivering the enquiries you expect, my Perfect-Fit Client Connection Scorecard will give you clarity about what’s working and what’s not with a customised action plan to help get your website attracting more of the people you love working with.

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Perfect-Fit Client Connection Scorecard

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What’s inside

Your Perfect-Fit Client Connection Scorecard will:

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The Website Strategist Behind Your Scorecard

Hey, I’m Nina!

As an SEO copywriter and website designer, I help service-based businesses like yours get found more easily on search engines, so you can grow your business without depending on social media.

In my Perfect-Fit Client Connection Scorecard I’m sharing the essential things I check for when I review websites, so you can create a site that resonates with your ideal clients and customers and prompts them to take the next step with you.

Nina Mills website designer, copywriter and SEO from Butter Digital holding a laptop.

The website review that Nina created completely exceeded my expectations in every way.

“Nina thoroughly and generously shared so many ideas of how I can make my website work better for me with clear reasoning behind why it would help. Every suggestion was an invitation to explore if it would work for me rather than framing it as what I was doing wrong. The PDF she provided made it so easy to implement the changes and reduce the overwhelm of all the different elements that would benefit from being improved.”

– Nicola Salmon
Fat Positive & Feminist Fertility Coach

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Ready for Your Website to Bring in More Aligned Clients?

Get your Perfect-Fit Client Scorecard and take the guesswork out of creating a client-converting website.